

Hi! I haven’t updated this blog for almost a year due to school and other distractions. Now that the school year is over, I’ll have more time to write and update this blog. My posts will mostly be thoughts on anime, mobile games and video games. I’m also learning Japanese at the moment so I plan to use this blog to document everything I’ll learn. As for the 30 Day Anime Challenge I started last year, I plan to redo…

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Real First Post

Real First Post

Hi! I just thought it’d be better if I make an introduction before posting anything else. You can call me Soap. I like watching anime and playing video games. I used to be an engineering student but now I’m taking literature. Since I’m in an English-related course, I’ll be doing a lot of writing rather than computing. English isn’t my first language and I’ve been on a hiatus from fanfiction writing for over a year now. That is why I need to practice writing again….

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